Participate in demonstrations and workshop sessions given by resident and visiting art enthusiasts (afternoons and evenings) or experience the benefits of working on your latest project supported by a group of your peers. Our Open Studio sessions are held at Robinson’s Independent Grocers, 131 Howland Drive off hwy 60, upstairs in the Community Room. Huntsville Art Society Members $4.00, Students $2, Non-members $10.00 unless otherwise specified in the workshop descriptions posted below.
(North Art Demonstrators are reimbursed by North Art Supplies for their expertise, time and materials only. Open Studio fee of $4 to members, $10 to non-members still applies unless stated otherwise.)


It's Artist Trading Card Night Again! - With Donna Buchan

7:00 to 9:00 pm at Robinson's YIG

This month's theme - TREES!
This month we say farewell to most of our leaves... but thankfully, our trees remain. Bring tree images to copy - bare, blossoming, burgeoned, bedecked or ablaze - or be prepared to invent. Trading starts at 8:45. See you there!

Meet old friends and new at ATC Night Open Studio, 7:00 to 9:00 pm at Robinson's YIG Hosted by Huntsville Art Society and North Art Supplies - a great way to share your art and enthusiasm!
ARTIST TRADING CARDS are miniature works of art created on a 2 ½ X 3 ½ inch (or 64 X 89 mm) card. They are originals or small editions, designed to reflect your artistic spirit. The essence of the workshop is about artists meeting and exchanging their works, enriching everyone's artistic experience by being exposed to many personal styles. Make a card, and take a card - make two, take two. Begin your own little collection right here.
Suggested materials:- quality heavy cardstock or watercolour paper (you can pre-cut to 2 ½ X 3 ½ inches, or create first and cut later)- paint, markers, pencils, crayons, photographs, collage materials... use your imagination!
North Art will also have lots of cards & materials on hand - some free to try, and some at a minimal cost.Standard Open Studio fee.

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